Your Blood Type Tells A Lot More About You Than To Whom You Can Donate Blood.
Human blood types are categorized into 4 specific groups – O, A, B and AB.
Each letter for the given blood type refers to the specific proteins or antigens that are found on the surface of the red blood cells.
Blood types are inherited just like genes are.
Just like your genes dictate much about what you look like and how you will behave so does your blood type dictate much about your inherited health profile.
Here are six health problems to which specific blood types are predisposed.
6 Health Predispositions Of Specific Blood Types
1. Memory Problems
At-risk: AB
Your brain and vascular system have more in common than you may think. A recent study found people with type AB blood were 82 percent more likely to experience difficulties with memory recall, language, and attention than people with other types. One reason, researchers suspect, is due to the key clotting protein, known as coagulation factor VIII, which may actually reduce the quality of blood flow to the brain, rather than sealing up injury sites.
2. Pancreatic Cancer
At-risk: Non-O
Scientists from the University’s Cancer Cente found people with H. pylori were significantly more likely to develop pancreatic cancer, due to the way A and B antigens help the bacteria thrive. People with type O blood carry no antigens on the surface of their red blood cells. This is what allows them to donate to anyone.
3. Heart Disease
At-risk: AB
A 2012 study from Harvard University found people with non-O blood also happen to have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. But those with type AB blood were the most at-risk overall, demonstrating a 23 percent greater chance of suffering from heart disease than type O subjects.
4. Stress
At-risk: A
People with type A blood, for example, are more likely to have higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in their body. So, stress-reducing exercises, like Tai Chi and yoga, may be more beneficial at cutting that tension than running or weightlifting alone.
5. Exercise Demands
People with type A and B blood respond better to calming, low-intensity exercise like yoga, especially if depression runs in the family. Likewise, people with AB blood benefit from well-rounded workouts that keep their immune systems in check.
“Type O’s are more prone to problems that arise from an inability to clear stress hormones from their system quickly,” Dr. Ginger Nash, a naturopathic physician, told Personalized Living. “It takes more to get a Type O stressed but it takes more to de-stress them as well.”
6. Gut Bacteria
In addition to living on your red blood cells, antigens are often found in the lining of your digestive tract — about 80 percent of people fall into this category. Much of the bacteria living in people’s gut uses these antigens as food, which largely determines which bacteria flourish and which disappear. Prior research has estimated, for instance, that people with type B blood contain up to 50,000 times the number of strains of friendly bacteria than people with either type A or O blood.
Knowing that you may have inherited a problematic health predisposition can potentially save your life.
This knowledge could save your life by impressing upon you the need for you to do something different that will not stimulate this predisposition to grow into a full blown health problem.
It’s like this…
If you know your parent had a heart disease and was overweight, you would know that you have to pay special attention to your diet and exercise so that you would not nurture the genetic disposition to heart problems.
So now you can adjust your habits according knowing the particular health problems to which your specific blood type is predisposed.
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