Steve Jobs – Why 30 Year Long Vegan Dies At Age 56 Of Pancreatic Cancer

Full Assessment of Steve Job’s Cancer Shows His Veganism Actually Prolonged His Life.

Steve Jobs lived his last eight years of life in regret for not having had his pancreatic cancer surgery earlier than when he had finally agreed to it.

In this first video, Dr. John McDougall gives a full analysis of why Steve Jobs did not have to live with any regret for having stayed stedfast to his vegan diet and moral convictions against eating animal products.

According to Dr. McDougall, somebody especially his doctors should have told him that his veganism actually prolonged his life. It was the surgery that killed him.

Watch how Dr. McDougall skillfully and simply break down the timeline of Steve Jobs’ cancer growth and why it can only be concluded that Steve Jobs’ decision to stay away from surgery and continue his vegan diet and alternative therapies was working and could have prolonged his life well after the age of 56.

Watch the video now.


On the next page is a second video is a concise and clear explanation of why Steve Jobs’ died given by Kapiel Raaj based on Dr. John McDougall’s assessment of Job’s pancreatic cancer condition.


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