(VIDEO) Declutter Your Life To Open Up Space For Greater Things To Enter

We use to think that “multi-tasking” was a great skill to possess, but now science has uncovered that it only clutters our thinking space.

Decluttering your life opens up that space to be filled with greater things that are coming your way.

Your life repeats a cycle of moving forward but going backward because your mind is stuck in a state of multi-tasking. You are busy doing things but achieving no progress. This very well could be because your energy field is clogged up with nonproductive stuff…clutter!

It’s this clutter that is the raw material that you have to use over and over again to move ahead in your life. But instead you find yourself only going backward because you need to unclog your energetic space and bring in “upgraded” stuff that is conducive to creating the greater things you want for your future.

These greater things are always on its way, but oftentimes they simply pass you by and move on to the next person who has opened up space for it.

Not only that, to maintain an environment that is clutter-free keeps your creative space open to better problem solve and innovate.

If you want more “things” and upgraded things, you have to declutter your physical environment of the outdated, broken down and unused things.

If you want “more-satisfying” relationships, you have to declutter your relationship space of people who drain your energy and are not encouraging you to go for your dreams.

If you want “money” or financial independence, you have to declutter your time to put more focused attention and effort into money-making or wealth-creating systems and plans.

If you want “optimal” health, you need to declutter your body of the overload of bad habits, toxins and unhealthy foods that are preoccupying its natural processes robbing it of functioning optimally.

If you want “eternal” peace of mind, you need to declutter your thinking processes and settle down your thoughts through mediation on a daily basis along with practicing forgiveness and gratitude.

To start decluttering your life, you will want to most likely start with your physical environment. Starting here first greatly impacts you psychologically and motivates you to declutter all other areas of your life mentioned above.

It’s a mind thing.

Here is a video that shares some mind tricks you will need to successfully live clutter-free.

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