8 Potent Vitamins & Herbs Tips

Use these Vitamins & Herbs Tips To Boost Your Body’s Defenses
1. Get more vitamin D. Supplements are one way to increase your Vitamin D intake, however quite honestly the best way to get this nutrient is from sunshine. The human body synthesizes Vitamin D that is absorbed through the skin when exposed to sunlight. Many people are not getting the sun exposure that they require because of the risk of skin cancer; however in moderation – about 5 minutes a day – sunlight is very beneficial.
2. Take vitamin C prior to sun exposure. Getting a sunburn is definitely unpleasant. By taking an extra dose of vitamin C prior to beginning your sun exposure, you are boosting your skin’s natural defenses. If you would like increased protection, consider adding vitamin E as well.
3. Sooth your stomach with oranges and fennel seed. Make a mixture of a tablespoon each of orange peel and fennel seed added to two cups of water. Boil and then steep this tea. Add honey to sweeten the tea and drink it when you are suffering from indigestion. The tea should refrigerate for about 48 hours, and will taste primarily like fennel.
4. Soothe diaper rash with beeswax. Beeswax is the base for a homeopathic diaper cream solution. By adding in other herbs such as chickweed and marshmallow, you are creating a cream that is not only developed perfectly from nature – but one that will not stain and stick to your hands. This cream is far gentler than the conventional diaper rash creams currently on the market.
5. Try magnesium for leg cramps. Many people suffer from cramps in their legs, particularly in the calves. Drinking more water will probably help to relieve the frequency and adding magnesium to your diet is a great way to eliminate these cramps forever. (I know…not a vitamin or herb. It’s a mineral… but it is from nature.)
6. Use onions to relieve allergy symptoms. Onions are an excellent treatment option for those suffering from allergies because the root is completely natural and proves to be very effective at opening nasal passages. It’s not as simple as eating an onion however. Because onions cause the same symptoms that allergy sufferer’s dread, an extract should be taken in tiny doses, until the body begins to ignore the irritant and to develop a defense against the patients other allergens.
7. Try lavender on your feet. If you suffer from athlete’s foot, you already realize that there is little you seem to be able to do in order to stop the affliction. That is true with traditional medications. However, using oils of lavender, garlic and tea-tree in an alcohol solution will help to ward off the problem once and for all.
8. Sleep better with a sesame oil scalp massage. Warm a small amount of sesame oil, and massage into the scalp before washing your hair in order to induce sleep. This can also be an effective technique to stop a headache. Scalp massage in general is a good treatment option, however when combined with sesame oil the effects are better felt.