6 Raw Food Vegans Who Have Definitely Turned Back The Biological Clock!
Tonya Zavasta, 56
Tonya Zavasta is one of my greatest heroes. This 56 year old beauty is a very witty and humorous writer, researcher, teacher, and entrepreneur. She has written 5 books on living foods and natural anti-aging, two of which I’ve read and loved. She’s been eating raw for 17 years now. With her diet and lifestyle change she conquered surgical trauma, pain and her former identity as a “cripple.” I’ve read two of her books, Quantum Eating, and Raw Food and Hot Yoga. Both are brilliant and highly recommended for the seasoned raw foodist. You can find them in my Books page. The firmness of her skin and waist size tell us that she’s really on to something. And it’s definitely not botox or plastic surgery!http://www.beautifulonraw.com/
5. Markus Rothkranz, 52
I remember the first time I saw Markus, I thought he was in his late 20s early 30s. Boy was I wrong. This man is 52 years old! Watch this video of him proving it, since no one believes him. He’s been eating raw foods since his late twenties, therefore he’s been raw for over 20 years. And his vibrant complexion and super fit body says it all. As you will see on his page, he looks younger than he did at 27! Markus is all about abundance, health and financial freedom. He has an inspiring channel on youtube, and has written 4 books. His background is from the movie industry and now he uses it to entertain and lead people to a better and healthier lifestyle. You can find his work at http://www.markusrothkranz.com/
6. Mimi Kirk, 75
“Feeling like you’re in your 20′s at 75, is quite an amazing thing. I accredit this youthful look and spirit not only to my attitude, but really to my way of eating which is a raw vegan – living foods lifestyle.”
She was voted sexiest Vegetarian over 50
, when she was actually 70 then! Although Mimi has only been raw for a few years, she attributes her youthfulness to over 40 years of 100% veganism. It was when she started feeling arthritic pains in her joints and her blood pressure was up that she looked into eating raw, and as soon as she did, the pain and pressure went away. Mimi is so vibrant and youthful! She is the author of a book called Live Raw. This woman is amazing and looks great for her age. She’s a great example of how veganism is great in maintaining youthfulness, but in contrast, raw veganism is age defying and can actually turn back the biological clock! Find Mimi’s work here:http://www.youngonrawfood.com
Now I don’t know about you, but to me, just taking a look at these marvelous beings is living proof that raw foods and natural hygiene is indeed the optimal lifestyle for human health. It clearly shows that our bodies are designed for this lifestyle. Contrary to what many of us have been led to believe, aging is NOT a normal process that is supposed to start taking place at our 30’s. Wrinkles, sagging skin, hair loss and all the ailments that follow after 30 or 40 is due to the degeneration of the body after years of punishing it with a diet void of nutrients and enzymes. That plus eating a diet of cooked (dead) foods, processed junk and artery clogging dairy and meats will certainly take a toll on your body in the form of premature aging, cancer, diabetes, heart failure and all the other life sucking problems we call “disease”. As a 28 year old that has been raw vegan for only 1 year I can already start to see major differences in the way that I look. In fact, I saw these changes 3 months into this diet. I can only imagine how I have completely changed the entire trajectory of my life by correcting my diet. I know that at some point I’ll probably stop counting the years because it’s no longer relevant to me. In the end, you’re only as old as you feel
This article is courtesy of author, Diana Paez and ConsciousnessNourishment .
(Source/Image: http://consciousnourishment.org/2014/03/25/6-raw-foodists-over-50-that-look-decades-younger/ )
(Source: http://rawveganzone.com/six-raw-vegans-who-have-definitely-turned-the-biological-clock/ )