6 Raw Food Vegans Who Have Definitely Turned Back The Biological Clock!

6 Raw Foodists Over 50 That Look Decades Younger.


Raw Veganism: The Fountain of Youth? Or perhaps it’s the cooked food that’s aging the average person prematurely. In any case, the following people have truly inspired me to continue my raw vegan journey for life! Their age and appearance speak volumes of how perfectly aligned the living foods lifestyle is for the human body. It is an undeniable fact that our appearance on the outside, especially after our mid years, is clear reflection of our internal health.

Meet 6 inspiring raw foodists with an appearance that will trample on any skepticism or doubt about the living foods movement:

1. Storm Talifero, 64
Storm Talifero
Storm Talifero is one of the oldest and most successful long-term 100% raw vegans in the movement today. He has been raw for over 42 years, and at age 64 he looks more like he is in his 30’s or 40’s. He’s an athlete, author, illustrator, architect and raw chef who has brought many innovative recipes to the art of raw cuisine. If you’ve read any of Storm’s e-books you’re familiar with his maxims: “Fresh is Best”, “Don’t put your food in the fire” and “Would you like your food with or without the nutrients?”. Having raised a large family, through many years Storm’s recipes have evolved into a menu plan program that has helped hundreds of people to experience the raw diet in a format that is doable in modern life. You can learn more about his work athttp://TheGardenDiet.com and http://28DaysRAW.com

2. Annette Larkins, 72
The first time I saw this Goddess was through this viral video, and I just couldn’t believe my eyes. This perfect image of health, vitality and youth with a petite size four frame and a wrinkle-free face is over 70 years of age! She has been a raw vegan for 27 years and vegan for many years before that. And she’s from my hometown! 🙂The resident of Miami-Dade County, Florida, attributes her youthful looks to her raw vegan diet and grows almost everything she eats in the garden she refers to as her ‘fountain of youth’. In her famous interview, ABC reporters explored her back yard, to find that every inch is covered in plants and trees that grow the fruits Mrs. Larkins eats. She told reporters “’My diet consists of fruits, nuts, vegetables and seeds. I do a lot of sprouting of seeds and as you can see from my garden and of course, these are the raw foods that I eat.

3. Lou Corona, 60
lou corona
Lou was one of the first people I came across in my journey for true health. His juice recipe, the Lemon Ginger Blast absolutely changed my life. It was the effect this juice had on my life that got me curious about raw foods, and for that I’m so very grateful! Lou drinks this green juice every day and I can totally see (and feel) how this concoction contributes to this man’s superior health! Lou has been on a raw vegan diet for a whopping 39 years. Before he started the raw vegan diet he suffered from a multitude of illnesses ranging from asthma to a tumor, eventually coming to a place where he was able to heal himself from chronic asthma, severe allergies, major constipation, candida, tumors, severe acne, and debilitating arthritis. He now teaches the 4 principles that helped him gain his life back and reach outstanding health and core strength like I’ve never seen before! You can find his work here: http://loucorona.com/


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